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Killer Snails and Slugs

Dogs can pick up a dangerous disease from slugs and snails in your garden, called lungworm or angiostrongylus. It is being spread by foxes to the slugs or snails and if your dog eats a slug or snail, or even licks the slug trail it can pick up the disease, which can cause severe bleeding , and even death.

Vet Matthew Wilson comments ” We are seeing more cases of this dangerous disease each year in Hounslow,  as foxes are very common in our region.  Young dogs and certain breeds such as Staffordshire Bull Terriers are infected most commonly.”

You can protect your pet from this potentially deadly disease with a monthly spot on application of Advocate, which is a vial of liquid that is poured on the back of your dogs neck once a month. This is a prescription only medicine that can be purchased from your vet and is dispensed according to the weight of your dog.


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