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Loud bangs, fireworks and other scary noises

Fireworks are a particular problem for many dogs, and can cause severe anxiety in some. Here are a few ideas that may help in dogs that are scared of loud noises.


  • Give your dog a safe area to go to such as a crate or cupboard under the stairs, and provide plenty of bedding to allow him to burrow in.
  • Leaving a loud radio or turn the television up  can help also, or play classical music.
  • Use dog pheromones – a spray , plug in diffuser or collar are available which emit a scent that reassures and calms the dog. This is called DAP (dog appeasing pheromone) and can be purchased at the veterinary surgery. The plug in diffuser should be placed near the safe area.  Your dog can also wear a DAP collar, so that the calming scent accompanies him if he moves around.
  • Dog appeasing pheromone
  • Ensure that your dog does not get extra attention when acting in a frightened manner. This can make the problem worse in that he may think that by acting frightened he will get more attention. You should continue with your normal routine, and only give him reward with attention after he has calmed down.
  • Provide toys or chews as a distraction.
  • Take your dog out early to toilet before the fireworks begin.
  • Close the curtains, and put on lights to reduce flashes from the fireworks.
  • It is possible to try to desensitize your pet to noises, by using various CD’s such as Sounds Scary, or , which start off by playing noises at low volume and gradually increasing the volume. This can take many weeks or months and is best started early in the year well before bonfire night.
  • Occasionally sedatives may be required for dogs that become extremely distressed, but an appointment with the vet would be needed to discuss this.

Posted in cats, dogs.

10 interesting dog facts

chihuahua puppies

chihuahua puppies


Every pet dog, from the tiny Chihuahua to the  Great Dane, is born with the heart of a wolf. Dogs are the domesticated version of the gray wolf and show the greatest variation of any species on the planet. Our dogs offer us protection, companionship, and loyalty not to mention being pleased to see us in the morning!

Fact 1:
A dog’s nose is not just used for smelling, but also to keep him cool.

Fact 2:
Humans have kept dogs as pets for over 12,000 years.

Fact 3:
Smaller breeds mature faster than larger breeds.

Fact 4:
A dog’s heart beats up to 120 times per minute.

Fact 5:
A puppy is born blind, deaf and toothless.

Fact 6:
The oldest reliable age recorded for a dog is 29 years.

Fact 7:
The average dog lives 8 to 15 years.

Fact 8:
Puppies sleep ninety percent of the day for their first few weeks.

Fact 9:
The Chihuahua was named after the state in Mexico where they were discovered.

Fact 10:
The basenji is the only dog that cannot bark.


Posted in dogs.

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Getting a kitten part 1


How to choose your  kitten

kitten vets

Cats are fast becoming the most popular household pet, with around 19% of households in the UK owning a cat, that’s 8.5 million cats in the UK alone. Cats make amazing companions, but are a big responsibility, so before getting a cat or kitten an owner needs to make sure they can be committed to the cat for the rest of its life which on average is 15 years.

The basics:

As a rule kittens should be at least 8 weeks old before they leave their mother. Kittens that leave their mother younger than this are more prone to behavioural problems. They should also be inquisitive and not shy away from people. Try making a noise (dropping keys) and see the reaction from the kittens, they may jump, but shouldn’t run and hide. Also look for a kitten with a nice temperament that approaches you, likes being stroked and picked up.

In terms of health:

Bright eyes. Kitten’s eyes should be clear and bright, some kittens can have runny eyes. Usually this is a simple problem that can be cleared up by medication, but it’s still something to think about.

Normal breathing. Kittens that cough, sneeze, or show other respiratory issues are doing so because they’re sick. Usually this is flu, but sometimes it can be more serious.

A healthy weight. You want a kitten with a bit of fat on its body and good muscle tone. Skinny kittens where the bones can be seen can have serious problems, but also bloated bellies can be a sign of worms.

Lots of Energy. Kittens should be full of energy and show an interest in playing with toys and with other litter mates.

Has a clean tail end. Check under the tail too! There shouldn’t be any blood, diarrhoea, or any other nasty-looking problems.

A healthy coat. A major sign of a healthy cat is a shiny, thick coat. An unhealthy coat may look dull, feel thin, or even have bald spots. Also check the coat for fleas as these are common in kittens and a severe infestation can cause anaemia.

Ears. Check the kittens ears, they should be clear and clean. Dark brown deposits can be a sign of mites and this can normally be treated by a trip to the vets.


The most popular breed of cat is the Domestic Shorthair Cat or “Moggy” which has many different colours, the most common are black, ginger, tortoiseshell and tabby. Did you know that tortoiseshell cats are always female? There are many different pedigree breeds, which  have  a range of different personalities and sizes, some of which are listed below:


  • Persian
  • Siamese
  • Burmese
  • Birman
  • Ragdoll
  • British Shorthair
  • Russian
  • Oriental
  • Maine coon
  • Bengal


For a full list and more information on specific breeds please visit:


Part 2 will discuss what to do once your kitten is home.




Posted in kittens.

Our on-line shop is launched

Our on-line shop has just been launched, for dogs, cats,  birds and rabbits. You can now order a wide range of regular dog and cat food, prescription foods, toys and pet accessories for collection from any of our surgeries. You will receive 10% discount for all on-line purchases.

Please go to our web site and have a look.


Posted in Uncategorized.

Why do we get flea problems in November ?



We have seen many cases of flea allergy related skin problems, in both cats and dogs in the last few weeks. Many people think that as it gets colder, fleas become less of a problem. However we tend to see more flea related problems, at this time of the year. This is because when you turn your heating on in the cold weather, any flea eggs that are in the carpets will suddenly hatch out and cause problems.  One flea can lay hundreds of microscopic eggs, and they can lay dormant and then  hatch out months later. Cat fleas will happily bite dogs and vice versa !

We also see many flea problems despite people using a variety of flea products. In many cases it is because the flea products are not potent enough to kill all the fleas.  If only a few fleas are not killed, as mentioned above they can lay hundreds of eggs and an infestation can quickly arise.

Our recommendations of effective spot on treatments  products are Stronghold, Advocate or Advantage.   It is important to also treat the house, with a product that lasts at least 6 months. Nothing kills the eggs, it is only when they hatch into microscopic larvae that they are killed, and as they can lay dormant for upto 6 months a long lasting household spray is needed.

Don’t forget also that fleas can transmit tapeworm, so regular worm treatment is needed also.

It makes you itchy just thinking about it !!


See for more information about fleas including some great pictures and video.


Posted in fleas.